Short delay - Situation update
(I wrote a post similar to this on my Patreon, but then realized no one there really cares about TB. So I'd better write something here. Members of my Discord Server, especially those in the Tailbound channel, probably already know what this post is about.) Now that we're near the end of May, it's pretty clear that the game won't be dropping this month like I said it would. There's a good reason for the delay, and since I want to be fully transparent with development I won't shirk the details.
Almost immediately after I wrote the last post on here and finished the first level of the game, my boyfriend's dad passed away. (This was near the beginning of March) This completely turned everything I wrote on its head, since his mom had us move out to his dad's property to help support her, and to take care of the property itself. So of course, now I kind of regret re-announcing the game so soon and asking for support, since we don't have rent or anything anymore and don't need to buy a place. (Well, aside from utilities) It took us from March up until the beginning of May to fully move in and get settled, and then I had to take a trip back to Detroit last week, hence the nearly 2 month delay on development. (Though I did manage to finish up levels 1 and 2 during this time)
I'd be lying if I said this wasn't initially a huge blow to morale, and I'd also be lying if I didn't admit to thinking about doing other projects instead now that I don't technically have any reason to finish Tailbound. Infact, I have an entire new comic that I've been brainstorming ideas and characters for since March. I'm sure people who've followed me in the past are already groaning and rolling their eyes, but we haven't made it to the real twist yet.
It's taken a lot of mental gymnastics and psyching up for, (since none of my friends like to encourage me on anything I do) but I've decided that Tailbound is definitely a project worth bringing to completion, even if I'm not raking in mad Paytreon or Itch cash. (Also, HUGE thanks to the people who have decided to support development, I think TB has made roughly $500 or $600 bucks since I made the last post)
The thing is, I'm aware of the cycle I go through with all of my projects. I start working on something, post about it online, maybe it gets some interest, but I always eventually get some new idea and follow that instead, thus abandoning the original project and repeating the cycle. I realize that I really can't do that with Tailbound, and realistically the fact that I do this is what really leads to that cycle continuing forever.
When I get the idea for a new project, I normally drop everything and try getting it started as quickly as possible, which of course leads to whatever ideas I do have for that project being half baked and resulting in a (subjectively) shitty product. Thirstchasm, OG Tailbound, Moontide, and honestly even the current TB remake all suffer from this. (Not to mention probably literally every comic I've ever done.) Each and every one of these projects only had maybe a couple weeks worth of pre-production and planning before jumping into them, and each and every one has suffered for it. Given of course, I have been slowly getting better with each failed project, but this sort of mentality really shows in projects like Thirstchasm and my last comic Checker Chains.
I genuinely care about this comic I've been brainstorming, and I want it to be something completely different than anything I've ever done before. I want Tailbound to be both the end-cap on my development "career", as well as a cap on this destructive cycle I've been in for as long as I can remember. (And trust me, it's been going on since well before I started drawing porn) So I'll continue brainstorming and polishing my ideas for this comic, and will force myself to wait until Tailbound is done and out the door before starting real production on it. I'll still have to wrestle with the fact that I know Tailbound won't be as good as I want it to be, but at this point finishing it and making it at least better than Moontide and Thirstchasm should be enough.
Aside from that tangent, basically just expect the game to be done by August or September at the absolute latest, assuming no one else dies or anything like that. Really, animations and music will probably take the longest to finish, so bug testing for the near-final game might start at the end of June or July (Depending on how long it takes me to finish the last two levels, tiles, bosses, and cutscenes)
Get Tailbound
(18+) A Lewd & Gay furry Hack n' Slash adventure
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